Monday, May 3, 2010

18 months and some blue paint

Xander is 18 months old today! Happy 1 1/2 years, buddy! Forgive me for being a little weepy, but it was a tough day. I told you before, I had always hoped to be with him when he turned 18 months old, so the reality of today stung a little. What's the significance of 18 months, you ask? I'm not sure I have an answer. The only thing I can come up with is that we completely missed his 1st birthday, we didn't even know of him until he was 13 months old, so in my mind 18 months is the next "big" number. I kinda feel like 18 months is a transition from baby to toddler, so we are missing that too.

Anyway, this wasn't to be sad, just a recognition that our little man is 18 months old today!!!

I finally put some paint on the walls in his room. I love to paint, I really do. I have literally painted every wall in our house, minus the closets, and if I think about it too long I just might paint those too. I am a firm believer in trying something bold and if you don't like it, paint over it. With that in mind, I buy cheap, Wal-Mart paint so I don't feel bad if I have to do it again. This time, however, I was painting over yellow paint, it's not very bright, but the blue we chose wasn't very dark so I wasn't sure how it would cover. I knew I didn't want to have to paint too many layers so I bought good paint. Can I tell you, it is worth EVERY extra penny! Wow! It's thick and covers in one stroke of the roller. I completed one wall and almost a second. I chose to start with the walls that had the most trim work to get them out of the way, so I have the easy walls left. Here's a sneak peak.

It's hard to tell the exact color, but this is what we call Seahawk steel blue!

By the end of the week all the walls will be painted, I'll post some more when it is finished.


  1. Excellent! Did you know that blue is supposed to make people feel happy? Yay!

  2. Meedo, I did not. I hope it works!
